
EU waste regulation will be a big challenge for businesses

The EU waste regulation poses new environmental challenges for businesses. Find out how it will affect your business.
Unijne rozporządzenie dot. odpadów będzie dużym wyzwaniem dla przedsiębiorców

- The EU waste regulation will be, above all, a major challenge for businesses. They will have to design their products, but also their services, in a more ecological way,” Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment Anita Sowińska told reporters in Brussels after Monday's meeting of the European Union Council on the Environment.

Issues related to packaging and packaging waste, monitoring and resilience of soils and forests are the main topics of the meeting of the EU Environment Council (ENVI). The meeting, which took place on 18 December 2023 in Brussels, was attended by Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment Anita Sowińska.

The main topic of the meeting was the regulation on waste and packaging waste, which — as the Deputy Minister stressed — is of great importance for Poland. She explained that his goal was to transition to a circular economy so that “we would rather prevent waste than deal with it.”

Poland is of the opinion that the objectives of the circular economy should be as ambitious as possible, and above all realistic, measurable, technically feasible and sustainable, i.e. take into account not only environmental, but also economic and social aspects. The transition to a Circular Economy requires both taking into account the needs of business and society, as well as adequate education of society — said during the meeting Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment Anita Sowińska.


Sowińska stressed that entrepreneurs face a big challenge. - They will have to design their products, but also services, in a more ecological way. Of course, a certain adjustment period is provided. I would like consultations with entrepreneurs to start as early as possible, so that we prepare our Polish entrepreneurs for these changes,” said the Deputy Minister. The Deputy Minister stressed that unnecessary standardization of packaging should be avoided when designing regulations.

“We see some difficulties in realistically achieving the targets for reducing the amount of packaging waste generated per capita and for recyclable packaging. Therefore, we propose to postpone the deadlines for achieving the goals in this area by 5 years,” she said.

Funds from KPO for energy transformations

Asked about an advance payment of 5 billion euros from KPO for Poland, she stressed that these measures primarily affect energy transformation, prevention of smog formation, e.g. through thermal modernization of houses, replacement of non-ecological heat sources. — An important issue is transmission networks, so that we can enable the development of RES, including windmills, in Poland. These are issues that are just emerging in Poland, such as hydrogen technologies, which are extremely important from the point of view of energy storage from RES — stressed Sowińska.

Source: https://portalkomunalny.pl/unijne-rozporzadzenie-dot-odpadow-bedzie-duzym-wyzwaniem-dla-przedsiebiorcow-550592/

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